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Nicholas has been incarcerated 7 years past his release date!! (Click here for more Info & to find our how you can HELP!)

This Just in.....

Nicholas Zimmerman speaks on the State of the Corona Virus in New York State Prisons and request that Governor Andrew Cuomo and

Commissioner Anthony Annucci implement immediate life - saving changes! Sign his petition now ! Visit:

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We are currently focusing our efforts on bringing attention to the wrongful conviction of Nicholas Zimmerman. Mr. Zimmerman is the C.E.O., President and Founder of Madison Avenue Entertainment Group (M.A.E.G). He created this company to gain public support for his case, as well as other cases of actual innocence. Below we post all the documents that we have that proves that he is innocent and wrongfully convicted in violation of his New York State and United States Constitutional Rights. We ask that you review the files to become more familiar with the facts of Nicholas’ case. If after reading the files you are convinced of Nicholas’ innocence, we ask that you do several things to help us obtain his release:


    * Listen to Mr. Zimmerman's recent recording:   "Innocent Prisoner Seeks Legal Representation, Media Attention, and Public Support to Help Overturn His Wrongful Conviction", which explains the facts and details of his case ( this is a great starting point for those that want to get involved)


    * Sign his petition at ColorofChange.Org


    * Make a donation to his legal defense fund at: Purchase and encourage others to purchase My Side of The Story, The Investigation Part 1 and Puzz Pacino Present: New York's Illest, as all proceeds are donated to his Legal Defense Fund.


·    * Become an Advocate and Supporter of The FREE Nicholas Zimmerman Campaign by donating your free time and resources to helping Nicholas See: Becoming An Advocate For MAEG Read Nicholas’ legal documents below.


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                                          Legal Brief’s & Documents


·       My Side Of The Story: The Investigation Part 1 by Kendra Lyneigh Hughes and Nicholas Zimmerman. (In this book, Nicholas Describes the facts of his case and explains why Queens County Assistant District Attorney Leigh Bishop set him up) 

 The Clemency Petition (Based on the evidence we have that proves Nicholas’ innocence, we are asking Governor Andrew Cuomo to grant him clemency.) 


·         Habeas Corpus In Nakia Stubbs Case (This is Nicholas’ Federal appeal on his first case- the allegations stemming from The Nakia Stubbs assault. Nicholas explains how important evidence was withheld from him, how Nakia was “prepped” by Bishop to commit Perjury, and he was not allowed to call witnesses, etc…)

The Zimmerman-Stubbs Audio Recording (Nicholas questions Stubbs about the testimony she gave at his trial and what she reveals in this recording shows how she was forced to identify him in court) 


·        The Nakia Stubbs Sworn Affidavit (In 2003, Nakia signed an affidavit before former New York City Detective Kevin Hinkson admitting that Nicholas did not attack her. Because of a new change in law, this document can now overturn Nicholas’ conviction) 


·         The Haron Wilson Sworn Letter (Nicholas’ manager verifies that Nicholas performed at Club Jam-Roc on Sept 19th, 1998 at 3:00am – Same time Nakia was assaulted. The jury never heard this) 


·         The Theophulus Brown’s Sworn Affidavit (Nicholas’ promoter verifies that Nicholas performed at Club Jam-Roc on Sept 19th, 1998 at 3:00am – Same time Nakia Stubbs was assaulted. The jury never heard this) 


      The Natasha Dockery Sworn Affidavit (Natasha was present for the assault on Nakia and verifies that Nicholas was not the assailant. The jury never heard this.) Also see Natasha Dockery Sworn Trial Testimony (Natasha testified at a second, unrelated trial that Nicholas did not attack Stubbs.)

·     The Samuel Belnavis Sworn Affidavit (Samuel was present for the assault on Nakia Stubbs and verifies that Nicholas was not the assailant. The jury never heard this.) Also see: Samuel Belnavis' Sworn Trial Testimony (Samuel testifies at a second unrelated trial that Nicholas did not attack Stubbs) 


·        The Respondents Opposition to Nicholas’ Federal Habeas Corpus Petition (Assistant Attorney General, Lisa Flyshmann’s opposition brief.) 


      The Petitioners Reply Brief in the Nakia Stubbs Case (Nicholas files a fiery response to Lisa Flyshmann’s opposition brief.)

·         District Judge Allyne Ross Decision  (Although Judge Ross states that Nicholas is more than likely innocent, she denies his appeal anyway) 


      Certificate of Appealability in Nakia Stubbs Case: (Nicholas appeals Judge Ross’ decision to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals) 


·         Decision and Order of the U.S. Court of Appeals (Without any explanation, the U.S. Court of Appeals denies Nicholas’ appeal in a one-page decision) 


·         The 440 Motion Crowdfunding Campaign (Nicholas explains that a new law can overturn his wrongful conviction but needs your help in retaining a lawyer for his case.)




·         Habeas Corpus Petition in the Sing Sing Case (This is Nicholas’ Federal Appeal in his second case- the allegations of an escape attempt from Sing Sing Correctional Facility in 2003. Nicholas explains how he was held in solitary confinement by the Department of Corrections to obtain a confession from him, how all the accomplices were held in jail until they agreed to testify to an escape attempt, how important evidence was withheld that would have proved that there was no cell phone in Sing Sing etc.…) 

M.A.E.G Assist Entertainers & Reaching Superstardom !
Only For The Grown & freaking !
Providing Professional Administrative Assistants To The Incarcerated Community.
Innocent Man Incarcerated For 20 Years For A Crime He Did Not Commit.
Become A Listener ! Become Informed !
You Ain't A Ride Or Die Chick Unless You've Gon' Totally Discreet
Easing The Prison Visitor Experience !
Wholesale Prices For Bulk Purchases
Recalsulate Nick's Sentence
M.A.C.C Clothing & Apparel
My Side Of The Story
A Promotional Tour To Free An Innocent Man. First Tour Of Its Kind !
Make A Financial Investment Or Donation To The M.A.E.G Movement.
Promote M.A.E.G On Social Media & Commissions On All Products Sold !
The Album That Puzz Pacino Executive Produced Before Being Sent To Prison For A Crime He Did Not Commit !
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