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Building The Website For M.A.E.G

Attention: Administrative Assistant

Subject: Building The Website For

Reason: Laying Out My Vision and Plans For the Site


Dear Administrative Assistant,

            I want to start off this letter by letting you know that I appreciate your interest in helping me build the website for (herein: M.A.E.G.). I thank you for even agreeing to review my files and sketches, as I know that your time is limited. I am confident that once you look over the enclosed instructions and designs you will begin to understand my long-term goals for the site and how lucrative it will be for you and I if you agreed to help me construct and maintain it. The uniqueness of the M.A.E.G. site will attract a minimum of 50,000 visitors a day. I can turn those 50,000 daily visitors into $2,500 (cash) per day. And that’s only accounting for (one) stream of revenue. I haven’t even begun to mention the other (six). But now that I got your attention, let me first start by explaining what the M.A.E.G. is all about and how the site will attract tens of thousands of visitors a day!

                                       THE THEME OF MAEG.COM

            The main theme of will be to host a social platform where Hip-Hop and Social Advocacy intertwines. With Hip-Hop being a 100 Billion Dollar a year industry, and Social Advocacy being a profession that everybody wants to get into since the deaths of Eric Gardner and Michael Brown in 2014, it would be smart to build a platform where the two entities can commingle, interact and strategize. My love for both of these industries (I am a rapper and social advocate, as well) drives me to build M.A.E.G. as not only an entertainment company, but an organization that is socially active as well. The site will allow, encourage (and seek out) rappers, singers, models, athletes, actors, lawyers, advocates, etc… to start a profile and post on the site. However, unlike other sites, M.A.E.G. will only be interested in their social causes, and nothing else. For instance, after the death of Michael Brown, LeBron James started his next basketball game in a T-shirt that said “Hands Up – Don’t Shoot!”, alluding to the fact that Brown was killed unjustifiably. It is these types of social gestures that will make it to the Homepage of M.A.E.G. The fact that he scored 69 points in a single game will not (Sorry LeBron L). To get the ball rolling, we will create URL pages for a few initial celebrities (e.g. and post all of their social endeavors on their profile to highlight their achievements. Other celebrities will see this and want to create a page of their own to promote their causes as well. The site will allow them to do so, and we will also sell the celebrities products for them so long as it is socially related. Attracting big named celebrities to the site will be part of my strategy to gain visitors, but once there, it is something way more important that I want viewers to see.

Have you heard the story of Christopher Torres of Albuquerque, New Mexico who was shot and killed by the police while relaxing in his own backyard? Or how JP Morgan Chase was willing to pay a $9 Billion fine to the federal government to keep Alayne Fleischmann from testifying that as early as 2006 she had been notifying high-ranking officials at the bank that the risky loans it was approving would eventually lead to the Real Estate market meltdown and recession of 2008? Or what about the grandmother that was severely beaten by officers at Attica Correctional Facility while making the weekly visit to her son? Or how about my case – the innocent prisoner who was sentenced to 40 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit? Never heard of any of us, have you? I didn’t think you did.

My point in citing these cases is to show you that although mainstream media has been doing a good job at exposing high profile cases of official misconduct, there are still a lot of cases that do not get the attention they deserve. This is where M.A.E.G. comes in. Right next to homepage placements of LeBron James’ social endeavors, you will see the stories of Alayne Fleishmann, Christopher Torres, the Attica grandmother, and me (of course!). The goal is to somehow use the spotlight of the celebrity to bring attention to other peoples’ causes that no one is talking about. Some, or most of these stories, will be more amazing, joyful and/or heart wrenching then the stories of the celebrities themselves; we just have to bring viewers’ attention to them. That won’t be hard to do if they’re standing (placed) right next to LeBron James and other high profile celebrities.

Another issue that would make M.A.E.G. popular among visitors is our (original content). M.A.E.G. artists, authors, rappers, singers, poets, reporters, etc… will produce original content for the site that you won’t find anywhere else. Most of the material (or large portions of it) I plan to make available on the site for free. Some of our talent is incarcerated, and since there is a big part of society that are interested in how prisoners live and spend their time, this aspect of the site will draw millions of visitors, alone. It is worth mentioning that the content being produced by some of these prisoners will blow your mind, as they are truly some of the world’s most talented songwriters, authors, etc… In addition, the site will host live interviews with celebrities regarding their social endeavors, promote parties and events, sell products, have a chat room and forums section and be a social platform where people can plan, plot and strategize their next protest. And these are just some of my initial ideas for the site. I’m still contemplating others…

                                       THE REVENUE OF MAEG.COM

            The most important stream of revenue for M.A.E.G. will be its advertising. In order for our advertising department to be lucrative, we must draw visitors to the site. Thus, as I explained above, offering our original content for free, celebrity postings, live interviews, exclusive investigative journalism, free music, books, etc… will draw crowds by the millions! Here’s where our revenue comes in. Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc… will place ads on our website and will pay us based on the amount of traffic to our site. The amount we are paid by each company varies depending on the program you choose (clicks, impressions or both), time and day the ad is shown, the bid price for the ad, etc… Based on the research I’ve done on this subject, here is a rough estimate of what we can expect to make on advertising.

Google’s AdSense program has two ways in which they pay us; per click and per impression. Per click means every time a visitor clicks on an ad on our website and per impression means every time a visitor lands on a page in our website. (example: although a visitor did not actually click on the ad, the mere fact that they visited a page where the ad was placed left an “impression” on them, thus we are paid per impression). We must take advantage of (both) options because more people will (only) visit the page, but not actually click on an ad, so its best were covered both ways. For every person that clicks on the ad, Google pays us roughly .10¢ (Again, this number fluctuates based on a lot of variables, some of which are listed above). And for every 1000 people that view the ad (impressions) Google will pay us about $10.00 (Although these numbers may seem silly to you at first blush, trust me, they are no laughing matter! Just check out my estimates J). On the Homepage of the website you will see I left positions for (5) Google ads to be placed. For every 1,000 people that view the ad, we get $10.00. However, they are (5) ads on the page, so therefore google will give us $50.00 ($10.00 per ad) for every 1000 people that land on the Homepage. So, multiply $50.00 by 50,000 daily visitors (the minimum number of visitors I am confident will visit the site) and you have an estimate of $2,500 a day in advertising revenue. But that estimate only includes Homepage views, it does not cover the revenue from the other (3) ads that I’ve placed on each individual page of the website, so that number will only increase. In addition, Google also gives us a portion of the sale if someone clicks on the ad and ultimately buys the product. I also plan to place full page ads within the body of the documents so that, for instance, after reading chapter 1, in order to get to chapter 2, a reader would have to view an ad. I know that viewers hate ads, but I think most people will be ok with them since all the content is free!

A lot of websites operate off of just advertising revenue alone, and they are very successful at it! Jon Morrow’s blog page ( earned him $500,000 in 2012. Tom Ewer quit his job and started a blog page called in late 2011. By early 2012 he was making $4,000.00 a month and he was only putting in part-time blogging hours. A similar strategy worked for Nigerian blogger Bamidele Onibalus, who began his online-earning themed blog in 2010, when he was just 16. By 2012, he was making $150,000 a year. The same can be said for Jeff Goins ( and Patt Flynn ( who’s free E-Books and blog page brought them $200,00 in revenue in 2012. But the one thing all of these bloggers had in common is great content! Just because you start a blog or a website doesn’t mean people will visit, of course. To the contrary, the content you produce must be compelling and original, and cannot be found anywhere else. We have that content, we just have to get it up on the site, position it and promote it to the masses. Allow me to explain how I plan to market and promote the site, the help I need from you and what I am in a position to offer you for your assistance.



            Initially, I plan to market and promote the site through the MAEG Social Media Platform. This will be our cheapest form of promotion, but by far our most effective form of promotion. My strategy is to build social media pages for MAEG on LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Our ultimate goal is to reach a combined total of (2) million friends and followers across all of our social pages. This can be done easily by searching for, and sending out friendship requests to large categories of people in the social networks. While building up our friends and followers, we will be sending out tweets, emails, status updates, instant messages, hashtags, tags, like pages, ads, etc… to all of our followers encouraging them to visit the site to read and watch our new postings. All of these messages going out to millions of people (and those people then resending our messages to millions of people) will probably, standing alone, help us attract 50,000 visitors a day! ! But I don’t plan to stop there! I will also run ads through Google’s Adwords program which will place our ads and links on a wide array of other websites in order to bring traffic back to our site. I will enlist my Search Engine Optimization strategies to ensure that the site stays at the top of all search engine results. I plan to ask blog sites to post our articles on their sites, to run ads in high circulation magazines such as Hip Hop Weekly, Straight Stuntin, Don Diva, XXL, Rolling Stone, New Yorker, Forbes, Esquire, etc…, to do a mass print run of 500,000 pieces of promotional materials, to run television and radio ads and to build a street team of high school and college kids to promote the site within their schools. So as you see, MAEG will be a household name, and this may all happen in a matter of months, but I need your help…



            In order to make this whole thing work, I need dedicated, professional and tech savvy people to take on Executive Director positions at MAEG. In exchange for your assistance, I am willing to give you a portion of all advertising revenue generated through the website. Here is a listing of the positions I need filled:

Executive Webmaster: This person will be responsible for building and constructing the MAEG website. Although I would like to work with someone who already has background history and expertise in webdesign and maintenance, I am also more than willing to work with someone who is just learning (or willing to learn) how to build a website. Websites such as Wordpress, 1 and 1, Hubu, Shopify, etc…makes it simple and easy for people to build websites that have no knowledge of coding or HTML. Basically, if you know how to build a social media page on Facebook, then you will be able to figure out how to build a website, as it is pretty much the same thing. Also, I will be sending you my “Blueprint Sketches & Instructions” for the site, and all you would have to do is follow my design in building the pages. If you get stuck on something along the way, we can always get help from other webmasters online or utilize the Customer Service or Help Desk on the above sites. So whether you’re already a webmaster or not, we can get the site built if you’re up to it. The only requirement is free time and a willingness to want to learn something new.

Executive Editor: This person will be responsible for the typing and editing of all documents placed on the site, consisting of E-Books, Blogs, Legal Documents, Articles, Essays, Reports, Song Lyrics, etc… Basically, you will be responsible for typing all of MAEG’s (original content). All documents will come to you in digital or handwritten format, in which you will be required to check for spelling errors and prepare it for mass digital distribution. This is a big job as there is a lot of content to be created, but we will move at your pace in handling the work, ok?

Executive of Social Media Management: This person will be responsible for managing all MAEG social media pages on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Google Plus, as well as any other pages we choose to promote on in the future. This position requires the continuous pursuit of bringing friends and followers to our pages, answering emails, sending out updates, posting new docs and video, etc… Basically, you will need to keep the pages active and updated with the latest info on the MAEG Movement. Since the management of our social media pages is so important to our marketing and promotion, I would need you to study a few books on social media to bring you up to speed on how to properly manage and promote the page.

Executive Research Analyst: This person will be responsible for keeping the website updated with breaking news and current events as it happens in the media and online. For example, at the time of Eric Gardner’s death, we would have provided continuous coverage of that incident by updating the site with all developments related to that case. This can be easily done by subscribing to news websites, apps, opt ins, list serves, etc…. But it will be your job to go through all the reports, videos , etc… to see what is relevant to the MAEG website, and post it. This is also a big job as it requires you to stay up to date on current events by constantly reading blogs, magazines, books, watching movies, TV, videos, etc… The accumulation of important and relevant news is what will keep our website thriving, so it's a must that we stay up to date on what’s happening in the media.

Executive Anchor: This person will be responsible for delivering the “M.A.E.G. News Segment” by video postings. They can be done from home as we will work together to create a nice professional backdrop and screenshot. These segments will basically be updates on the progress of MAEG, exclusive interviews, etc… As this person will be the Anchor of the entire site, and the face of the brand, it is important that they are professional, well spoken, educated, nicely dressed and, more importantly, comfortable in front of the camera. For this job it would be best if the person has some type of education or background in news broadcasting or public relations. However, if you were just born with the natural ability to deliver the news (and you’re good at it) then we’d love to have you on board. If you are interested in this position, please submit some example videos of you delivering a news segment on an issue that is current in the news. I’m just trying to get a feeling of how you would deliver the news if given the job. Please forward your video to my email address at



            As stated previously, I am willing to give all Executive Directors of a portion of all advertising revenue generated through the site. Under these terms, I truly believe you will be entitled to a bigger payout every month than if you were to work hourly wages for this website, or any other. So here is my breakdown: Considering that the site will generate a minimum of $2,500 a day in ad revenue, that would total about $75,000 a month. About 50% of this fee would go towards expenses and overhead, such as marketing and promotions (ads in magazines, TV, radio, etc…) artists royalties (all artist, authors, singers, etc…must be paid for allowing me to use their copyright materials) bandwidth, webspace, taxes, etc… Of the remaining 50% that’s left over (about $37,500), I am willing to give each Executive Director 10%. So that would mean each Executive Director would make approximately $3,750 a month. And, keep in mind, this number is only considering that we make our (minimum) of $2,500 a day. I am confident at there will be days that we make double that, and therefore your payout at the end of the month will be higher, as you will always make 10% of 50% of the sites monthly advertising revenue. For verification of all ad revenue, all Executive Directors will receive emails (directly) from our Google AdSense account of the company’s “Progress Reports” showing number of daily, weekly and monthly visitors, time they visited, who visited, where they came from and (most importantly) how much ad revenue we generated. So as you see, the money we all make will ultimately be based on the hard work we put in in keeping the site updated with fresh new content that viewers want to see. And, at the same time, we will be shedding light on some of the injustices that often times get left in the dark!



            So that’s my vision and initial roll out plans for I hope you are able to fathom the potential of a site like this and understand the impact that it could have on local injustices that get swept under the rug. People only resort to violence when they feel they are not being heard. My intention is to make M.A.E.G. a platform to get people to listen. While I am sure there are other sites out there that highlight violations of civil rights, none of them will be as marketable as M.A.E.G. Facebook is currently the biggest online social platform, but they don’t produce original content (music, books, etc…by their artists) nor does any other big social media site. None of them are dedicated to social causes, which is something that our visitors and supporters will find interesting. Also, no other site will take viewers behind the prison walls like MAEG will. The content produced by the incarcerated community will not only show the world the amount of talent in this place, but also allow society to peek into the windows of the prisons across America to get a view of the unnecessary amount of violence, police brutality and oppression that takes place here on a daily basis. So if you believe in my vision for the MAEG platform, contact me directly with the information below and let me know what position you’re interested in? Also, if you have any ideas or suggestions for the site, be sure to share them with me, ok? I thank you for your time and attention in reading my proposal and I look forward to your response.




                                                 Nicholas Zimmerman


                                                           Clinton C.F.

                                                          P.O. Box 2001

                                                      Dannemora, NY 12929

M.A.E.G Assist Entertainers & Reaching Superstardom !
Only For The Grown & freaking !
Providing Professional Administrative Assistants To The Incarcerated Community.
Innocent Man Incarcerated For 20 Years For A Crime He Did Not Commit.
Become A Listener ! Become Informed !
You Ain't A Ride Or Die Chick Unless You've Gon' Totally Discreet
Easing The Prison Visitor Experience !
Wholesale Prices For Bulk Purchases
Recalsulate Nick's Sentence
M.A.C.C Clothing & Apparel
My Side Of The Story
A Promotional Tour To Free An Innocent Man. First Tour Of Its Kind !
Make A Financial Investment Or Donation To The M.A.E.G Movement.
Promote M.A.E.G On Social Media & Commissions On All Products Sold !
The Album That Puzz Pacino Executive Produced Before Being Sent To Prison For A Crime He Did Not Commit !
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