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Attention All Social Media Advocates

Wrongfully Convicted Prisoner, Hip-Hop Artist and Author, Nicholas Zimmerman, (a.k.a. “The Honorable Black Entrepreneur”) Seeks Administrative Assistants, Social Media Marketers and Influencers, Podcasters, Bloggers, Youtube Vloggers, Brand Ambassadors, Webmasters, Search Engine Optimization Experts, etc... to assist with the marketing, promotion,  and distribution of his company’s books, music, clothes, models, magazine, digital content and social media platforms. A corporate endeavor and business plan with a potential to generate millions for all interested parties! Learn more about Mr. Zimmerman’s business  proposal, and his company, Madison Avenue Entertainment Group, at (Only Serious Applicants Need Apply.)

Press Play To Listen To Full Business Proposal!

Press Play To Listen To  Part 2

Click Here To Apply For The Marketing and Promotion Position

Wrongfully Convicted Prisoner Offers Three NEW Books for FREE!


My name is ( your name here) and I am an advocate for The M.A.E.G. Movement and Your name came up on a listing entitled, "Book Lovers" and I just wanted to reach out to you regarding the wrongful conviction of Nicholas Zimmerman and his new book entitled: "My Side of The Story - The Investigation - Part 1.". Mr. Zimmerman has been incarcerated for the last 20 years (15 of which in solitary confinement) for a crime he did not commit, and I am working with The M.A.E.G. Movement to obtain his release. I ask that you please find it in your heart and your schedule to read the FREE digital version of Mr. Zimmerman's book located at as I am sure you will find it very compelling and intriguing and, if possible, please purchase a physical copy from Mr. Zimmerman's webpage as he earns a higher royalty rate when purchases are made through his site and he is using these percentages to hire a law firm to represent his case. In the alternative, you can also find "My Side of The Story" on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc…

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter, and if you need any further assistance, you can email Nick's paralegal assistant Posha Jenson at, below I leave you with links to FREE digital versions of "The Writings On My Prison Walls" and "Carter-Luv", also by Mr. Zimmerman (A.K.A: "Puzz Pacino”)


(your name here)

SingSing Escape Poster.jpg
Carter-luv cover.jpg

Carter -Luv

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The Writings On My Prison's Walls

Exclamation Point Poster. jpg.jpg



My name is (your name here) and I do marketing and promotions for KREAME Magazine and Totally Discreet Productions. I just wanted to send you our latest promotional material regarding our company and its services. Of you need any future information you can email KREAME Magazine at: and Posha Jenson will be able to assist you.




(your name here)


Learn more about Totally Discreet at:
















Learn More about KREAME Magazine at:

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Learn More about KREAME Magazine at:

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Recalculate Nicks Sentence for up workers 




My name is (your name here) and I am an advocate for the M.A.E.G.  Movement. I am contacting you regarding the wrongful conviction of Nicholas Zimmerman. Mr. Zimmerman has been incarcerated for 20 years (15 of which in solitary confinement) for a crime he did not commit and now Governor Cuomo's Administration has held Nicholas in prison (7) Seven years past his Legal  Maximum Release Date! I respectfully request that you visit Mr. Zimmerman's webpage at to read his letter to Diane Holford of the Department of Corrections regarding his miscalculated sentence and once you see what Cuomo’s office is doing him, please sign Nicholas' petition, make a contribution of any amount to help us retain a lawyer for Nick's case and comment, like, share and repost the page in order to continue to spread the word! Thanks in advance for visiting Nick's page and I appreciate anything you can do to help us!





(your name here)

 Innocent Prisoner Incarcerated (7) Seven Years Past His Legal Maximum Release Date


Hello ____________,


My Name is (your name here) and I am an advocate for The M.A.E.G. Movement and Mr. Zimmerman has been incarcerated for 20 years (15 of which in solitary confinement) for a crime he did not commit and now we have discovered that New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo's Administration has held Mr. Zimmerman in prison (7) seven-years past his Legal Maximum Release Date due to a miscalculation in his prison sentence. I am only asking that you take a minute to read our Press Release regarding Nick's situation located at and share our press release with your followers to help spread the word, sign the petition and make a contribution to the FREE Nicholas Zimmerman Legal Defense Fund.

Thanks in advance for your support!





      (your name here)

Innocent prisoner seeks legal for upwork assistants


My name is (your name here) and I am an advocate for The M.A.E.G. Movement. I am contacting you regarding the wrongful conviction of Nicholas Zimmerman. Mr  Zimmerman has been incarcerated for 20 years (15 of which in solitary confinement) for a crime he didnt commit. I am working with The M.A.E.G. Movement to get Nicholas out of prison. I ask that you Listen to his latest recording entitled : “Innocent Prisoner Seeks Legal Assistance, Media Attention and Public Support to Help Overturn His Wrongful Conviction”. I am sure you will find it very intriguing! Thanks for your time.


                ( your name here)


Wrongfully Convicted Prisoners, Nicholas Zimmerman, has spent the last 20 years in prison (15 of which in solitary confinement) for a crime he did not commit. Zimmerman has started a new podcast show ( from his prison cell at Attica Correctional Facility) and in his most gripping recording, Nicholas describes in step by step detail how Queens County Assistant District Attorney, Leigh Bishop and Supreme Court Judge, Roger R. Rosengarten set him up with a crime he obviously did not commit! The issues in this case are compelling (and disturbing ) to say the least. You gotta listen to this Podcast and Share/Promote it as much as possible to help get Nicholas out of prison now! Listen to it at:
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Incarcerated Hip- Hop Artist, Puzz Pacino is plotting a corporate takeover from his Solitary Confinement Cell @ Clinton Correctional Facility

Incarcerated Hip- Hop Artist, Puzz Pacino, (a.k.a “The Honorable Black Entrepreneur”) is plotting a corporate takeover from his Solitary Confinement Cell @ Clinton Correctional Facility. He launched a clothing line, magazine, modeling company, podcast, investment firm, travel agency and released 2 books and 1 album RIGHT FROM HIS CELL! You gotta see this! Please comment, like, share, repost, Donate and Invest to help spread the word!, #FREENicholasZimmerman #FREEPuzzPacino #FREEPuzzPacinoTour #TheMAEGMOVEMENT #InnocentPrisoner #WronfullyConvictedPrisoner #EntrepreneurMagazine #InkMagazine #ForbesMagazine #WallStreetJournal #MSNBC


Wrongfully convicted Hip-Hop Artist, Puzz Pacino tells the world how powerful his pen is in this 55 second poem. “My Pen Will Be The Death Of Me... You gotta hear this! Please comment, like, share, repost, Donate and Invest to help spread the word! #FREENicholasZimmerman #FREEPuzzPacino #FREEPuzzPacinoTour #TheMAEGMOVEMENT #BlackLivesMatter #BlackPrisonersLivesMatter #InnocentPrisoner #WronfullyConvictedPrisoner #EntrepreneurMagazine #HipHopMusic #RealHipHop #HipHopDx #HipHopWeekly #MediaTakeOut #BallerAlert
Puzz Pacino My Pen.png


M.A.E.G Assist Entertainers & Reaching Superstardom !
Only For The Grown & freaking !
Providing Professional Administrative Assistants To The Incarcerated Community.
Innocent Man Incarcerated For 20 Years For A Crime He Did Not Commit.
Become A Listener ! Become Informed !
You Ain't A Ride Or Die Chick Unless You've Gon' Totally Discreet
Easing The Prison Visitor Experience !
Wholesale Prices For Bulk Purchases
Recalsulate Nick's Sentence
M.A.C.C Clothing & Apparel
My Side Of The Story
A Promotional Tour To Free An Innocent Man. First Tour Of Its Kind !
Make A Financial Investment Or Donation To The M.A.E.G Movement.
Promote M.A.E.G On Social Media & Commissions On All Products Sold !
The Album That Puzz Pacino Executive Produced Before Being Sent To Prison For A Crime He Did Not Commit !
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