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Black Entrepreneur Media Group Photo Books Catalog


Global Marketing & Promotions!
P.O. Box 1625
Buffalo N.Y. 14215

Effective : Immediately
Attention : Members of the Incarcerated Community
Subject : The Black Entrepreneur Media Group Photo Books Collection
( a subsidiary of Madison Avenue Entertainment Group )
Reason : Explaining The Services We Provide

Dear : Members of the Incarcerated Community,

We are pleased to announce the launch of our exclusive line of photo book catalogs for 2020. Our catalogs contain rare, never seen before photos of celebrities, video vixens, around the way girls, snow bunnies, college girls, etc... For $ 25.00, you get 100 color photos, clearly printed, on glossy coated photo cards, glue - binded, into a perfectly bound, 4 x 6 handheld booklet. These booklets are sturdy and durable and can last for years if properly kept. Other prison photo companies such as CAN Entertainment, Hott Flixx, FIYAGirls, Hot Dreams, etc... all offer individual photos at an average of $1.25 apiece. Buying 100 photos from these companies would cost you an average of $125.00 and they would not be binded into a book format. We have also noticed that some of their photos are blurry, poorly printed and prisoners complain to us that some of these companies take weeks (sometimes months)

to ship their orders. That does not happen with us! With our catalogs, you get 100 photos, clearly printed in color, bound in a book, shipped within 72 hours of receipt of your order, for $.25.00! No other company offers this type of service or price structure and none can beat us on selection or shipping time!


Another important thing to point out about our catalogs is that all photos in our books are individually perforated, which means each one can be easily detached and separated from the book by simply tearing it from the binding area and you won't damage the photo. Many prisoners are reporting to us that they have been separating each photo from the book, selling the individual shots for up to four (4) stamps a piece, thus making up to 400 stamps per photo catalog, which equals out to about $ 200.00. (Not bad for a $ 25.00 investment!) Others have told us that
they have been reselling our books (in whole) in the yard for $50.00 each with no problem. Once they explain to other prisoners that the books are really worth $ 125.00, and if broken down, could be worth $200.00, they
are bought without issue. While we do not request that prisoners resell
our books for us, once you purchase the books, they are yours, and you
are free to do whatever you like with them.


We also offer personalized photo books of family members, friends, girlfriends and wives, prison photos, artwork, etc..... Are you tired of correctional officers searching your cell and confiscating / destroying
your personal photos? Well, send them all to us! We will scan all your
photos, upload them to our servers and place them into a personalized
photo book for you. If anything was to happen to your book of photos,
don't worry about it! You can simply re-order the book from us, as we
will store all your photos on our servers for future purchases. If your
family and friends on the outside have photos they would like placed in
a book for you, we can work with those as well. Just have them send us
an email at or an email
at inquiring about how to submit
photos and we will email them an order form to fill out and pricing info.
From that point, all pictures they send us for you will be placed into a
photo book and sent to you within 72 hours. Typically, we charge .20 ¢
per photo that we receive by email from friends and family members to format and place in the book. In addition, we charge $ 30.00 for the production of the book itself. So, for an personalized photo book
containing 100 photos of family / friends, etc... you should expect to pay about $ 50.00. Additional fees may occur if photos you send us to scan
are larger then 4 x 6 or if they require digital enhancing. Any re-orders of
any personalized books that we already made for you will only cost
$ 30.00 each.



HOT MAMA MODELING PRESENTS: Oh, My Thickness! Volume 1, Issue 1.
An exclusive mix of all the thickest video models in Hip-Hop! Megan The Stallion, Cubana Lust, Chelas Way, Bubbles, Ashlee Monroe, Gloria Velez, etc... You will not find this selection of models anywhere!

HOT MAMA MODELING PRESENTS: Rosa Acosta; The Siren. Volume 1, Issue 1. Rosa Acosta is the hottest video vixen in the game right now!
Behind the scenes photos of Rosa at her sexiest! An entire book
dedicated to Rosa!

HOT MAMA MODELING PRESENTS: Social Media Mami's. Volume 1,
Issue 1. This book contains colleges girls, aspiring models and actresses,
around the way girls, etc... that are willing to correspond with prisoners.
Start writing them today! (Includes contact info for all 100 girls)

HOT MAMA MODELING PRESENTS: Nicki Minaj in "Sticki Nicki." Volume
1, Issue 1. Still shot photos of Nicki Minaj's "Anaconda" video and
exclusive, never seen before photos of Nicki at her raunchiest. Nobody
does it like Nicki!

HOT MAMA MODELING PRESENTS: Celebrity Sightings. Volume 1, Issue
1. Sexy photos of female celebrities being caught off guard by the
paparazzi! Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez, etc... They are
all here!

HOT MAMA MODELING PRESENTS: Roxy. Reynolds in " Foxy Roxy. " Volume 1, Issue 1. The most requested porn star in the industry! Never seen before photos of Roxy and still shot clips of her doing what she does best on and off the set!

HOT MAMA MODELING PRESENTS: The Kim Kardashian Sex Tape. Still shots of every aspect of Kim Kardashian sex tape and rare, exclusive, never seen before photos of Kim at her freakiest!

HOT MAMA MODELING PRESENTS: The Mimi Fausto Sex Tape. Still shot photos of the Mimi Fausto sex tape that shocked the industry! Plus, rare, exclusive shots of Mimi never seen before!

HOT MAMA MODELING PRESENTS: The Best of Straight Stuntin! Volume 1, Issue 1. 100 photos of the best models that ever appeared in
Straight Stuntin Magazine! Also available is issue 2,3,4, and 5. Each issue has 100 photos, $25.00 each book !

HOT MAMA MODELING PRESENTS : Then best of Lil Kim, Then and Now.
100 of the best and sexiest shots of Lil Kim from past to present, including that infamous Hard Core album cover that Nicki Minaj tried to copy!

HOT MAMA MODELING PRESENTS : The best of Foxy Brown ; Then and Now. 100 of the best shots of Foxy Brown from past to present, including still shots from her videos and exclusive updates on what she is doing now!

HOT MAMA MODELING PRESENTS: The Best of Buttman; Volume 1,
Issue 1. 100 shots of all the girls and sex scenes in issue 17:1 of Buttman Magazine minus the articles, advertisements, and interviews. Just the best of Buttman! (Back issues of all Buttman Magazines coming soon!)

HOT MAMA MODELING PRESENTS: Snow Bunny Hunnies; Volume 1, Issue 1. 100 shots of the most voluptuous and freakiest white girls you won't find anywhere else! Rare, exclusive never seen before photos.


So that is all the photo books we have to offer at the moment, but we're constantly working on new books to add to our inventory. We update our new catalog every January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, and October 1st, so be sure to send us $2.50 or ( 5 ) Forever U.S. Postal Stamps and request " the latest version of the Black Entrepreneur
Media Group Photo Book Catalog " on these dates if you want to stay current on our new releases. Always remember that a portion of all proceeds generated by The Black Entrepreneur Media Group and Madison Avenue Entertainment Group are donated to The F.O.C.I.S Movement ( Families Oppressed by the Criminal Injustice System ) which is a paralegal and advocacy program we started for innocent and wrongfully convicted prisoners, so please continue to support the cause ! In the future, we will be in contact with you regarding all the
services we are initiating for the incarcerated community. Till then, stay strong, remain focused and keep moving like a Black Entrepreneur suppose to......

The Honorable Black Entrepreneur for
The Black Entrepreneur Media Group

All payments should be made payable to :
The M.A.E.G. Movement
P.O. Box 1625
Buffalo N.Y. 14215
Attention : Posha Jenson
518 - 400 - 0917
For Cash App Payments : The MAEG Movement
For PayPal payments : The MAEG Movement
* Please be advised that all payments should be made payable to :
The MAEG Movement


M.A.E.G Assist Entertainers & Reaching Superstardom !
Only For The Grown & freaking !
Providing Professional Administrative Assistants To The Incarcerated Community.
Innocent Man Incarcerated For 20 Years For A Crime He Did Not Commit.
Become A Listener ! Become Informed !
You Ain't A Ride Or Die Chick Unless You've Gon' Totally Discreet
Easing The Prison Visitor Experience !
Wholesale Prices For Bulk Purchases
Recalsulate Nick's Sentence
M.A.C.C Clothing & Apparel
My Side Of The Story
A Promotional Tour To Free An Innocent Man. First Tour Of Its Kind !
Make A Financial Investment Or Donation To The M.A.E.G Movement.
Promote M.A.E.G On Social Media & Commissions On All Products Sold !
The Album That Puzz Pacino Executive Produced Before Being Sent To Prison For A Crime He Did Not Commit !
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