Administrative Assistant Proposal
Madison Avenue Entertainment Group
The Movement Has Only Just Begun !
P.O. Box 1625
Buffalo N.Y. 14215
Effective : Immediately
Attention : Administrative Assistants / Social Media Assistants
Subject : Madison Avenue Entertainment Group
Reason : Requesting your assistance with the operations of Madison Avenue Entertainment Group.
Dear Administrative and Social Media Assistants :
Currently I am in the process of looking for several Administrative Assistants to handle individual tasks at Madison Avenue Entertainment Group. My first order of business will be to focus on marketing and promoting through my social media pages. As you will see, I currently have social media pages set up for The MAEG Movement on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Google Plus, and Pinterest. I need to start posting on these sites in order to draw traffic back to my main site at Because of my incarceration, I cannot post (directly) to my sites. Therefore, I must create all of my post, status updates, emails, business proposals and
essays on this end and forward them to my Administrative Assistants to copy/paste and post online. In addition to social media promotion, I also need assistants to handle creating magazines and books for me through my MagCloud and CreateSpace accounts; create apparel for me through my Shopify account; create stationary and flyers for me
through my VistaPrint account; edit my podcasts through my Rev account; upload and store documents to my Google Drive account; upload pictures and create photobooks through my GrooveBook account and to locate and store contacts in my Gmail account.There are many more tasks that I need my assistants to handle, but the abovelist should give you an idea of the administrative assistance that I am looking for. For now, I am operating on a strict budget in order to get the company off the ground and land my first major business connection/deal. Once that happens (which should be in just a couple weeks of launch) I will be able to raise the administrative fees and also assign executive positions at the company to those that are interested. With that said, below I list for you the administrative tasks I need help withand the fees I am able to pay for each job. Keep in mind that although these fees are nominal, they will accumulate to large payments becauof the amount of work that needs to be done. The tasks and fees are as follows: :
Administrative Tasks & Fees
*Copy & Paste: ( Copy/Paste my post from my email account and post it to my social media page and/or website.) .35¢ to .60¢ per copy/paste depending upon if editing needs to be done to the post.
*Search & Drop: ( Search for a specific person online with the website I give you. Locate their page and Drop my email in their direct message and/or email account.) .60¢ per Search & Drop.
*Deep Search & Drop: ( Search for a specific person online with the detailed information I give you. Locate their website and/or social media page then Drop my email in their direct message and/or email account. Note: This search is different from " Search & Drop " because with Search & Drop I will be able to provide you with a specific website or link for the person, as opposed to "Deep Search & Drop" where you will have to locate the person's website and social media pages based on the info I give you.)
.85¢ per Deep Search & Drop
*Deep Search, Store & Drop: ( Search for a specific person online with the detailed information I give you. Locate their website, social media pages, email address, company and/or personal phone number, company and/or personal mailing address, manager, personal assistant and/or representative and all other points of contact. "Store" this information in the contacts section of my gmail account and "Drop" my email in their email account, social media account and via text message.) $2.65 per Deep Search & Drop
*Group Search, Store & Drop: ("Search" for a specific "Group" of people online - say, for instance, "social media influencers" - and locate websites, social media pages, phone numbers, mailing addresses and email addresses for them and "Store" their info in the contacts section of my gmail account. The "Drop" my email in their direct message and/or email accounts.) $2.80 per Group Search, Store & Drop
*Listen & Edit: ("Listen" to the podcast recordings that I send you. When I make an error, you will hear me point it out to you in the recording. Then I will count backwards from 3-2-1. At that point, you will restart the recording and edit me in, in order to delete the error. Really simple work once I walk you through the first correction.) $1.00 per edit/correction found in the recording.
*Boost My Ad: ( Setting up my social media post to be "boosted" through paid advertising on Facebook, Instagram, etc.. I will send you the targeted information to be uploaded to the app and you submit the information and boost the ad.) $5.00 per boosted ad.
*Find and Film: (Go to the websites that I send you and "Find" the videos online that I need. Then "Film" your television or computer screen with your camera phone using the app and forward the videos to me. You can only record 30 second videos using this app, so each video must be sent in 30 second intervals.) .75¢ per 30 second video clip.
*Search & Snap: ( "Search" for info online and send me a Snapshot" of it through my jpay account.) .20¢ per Search & Snap"
So this concludes my initial proposal for some of the administrative tasks that I am currently seeking help with, but there are still other assignments that I need assistance with and I will explain them when we begin to work together. If you are willing to work with me on the administrative operations of Madison Avenue Entertainment Group,
please send me an email at along with a copy of your résumé and I will start to send you instructions on some of the work I need to get started on. I thank you for your time and attention in viewing my proposal and I look forward to working with you in the future.
Nicholas Zimmerman
The Honorable Black Entrepreneur
Puzz Pacino
(Contact Nicholas Zimmerman directly by creating an account at and adding Nicholas Zimmerman 02 - A - 1663 as your contact.)